Optimum Entertainment LLC Apps

Sherlock Holmes - TV 1954 4.0.1
Sherlock Holmes 1954 TV SeriesWatch the episodes on a single app for Android!The first American television series of Sherlock Holmesadventures aired in syndication in the fall of 1954.The 39 half-hour mostly original stories were produced by SheldonReynolds and filmed in France by Guild Films, starring RonaldHoward (son of Leslie Howard) as Holmes and Howard Marion Crawfordas Watson.Archie Duncan appeared in many episodes as Inspector Lestrade (andin a few as other characters). Richard Larke, billed as KennethRichards, played Sgt. Wilkins in about fifteen episodes.The series' associate producer, Nicole Milinaire, was one of thefirst women to attain a senior production role in a televisionseries.Sherlock Holmes 1954 TVSeriesWatch the episodes on a single app for Android!The first American television series of Sherlock Holmesadventures aired in syndication in the fall of 1954.The 39 half-hour mostly original stories Were produced by SheldonReynolds and filmed in France by Guild Films, starring RonaldHoward (son of Leslie Howard) as Holmes and Howard Marion Crawfordas Watson.Appeared In Many Archie Duncan as Inspector Lestrade episodes (andin A Few as other characters). Richard Larke, billed as KennethRichards, played Sgt. Wilkins in about fifteen episodes.The series' associate producer, Nicole Milinaire, WAS one of thefirst women to Attain a senior production role in a televisionseries.
Flash Gordon 4.5.0
Flash Gordon is a 1936 science fictionfilmserial. Shown in 13 installments, it was the first screenadventurefor the comic-strip character Flash Gordon that wasinvented byAlex Raymond. It tells the story of Flash Gordon's firstvisit tothe planet Mongo and his encounter with the evil EmperorMing theMerciless.
The Event 1.0.3
The Event App represent the ultime app event where you will findany events online about technology. For this year, a lot of eventwill be displayed about live videos. Event, webinar, Blab,Periscope and Facebook Live are part of it. Welcome in the eventand live video revolution.
Golf Events 1.0.2
Golf Events is the perfect App to check for new Golf Events allaround the world. You want to miss any contests? Check the App andmake your research between the Events dates inside the Event Tab.You will find your best golf event. You will be able to add yourevent to your calendar!
The Club 1.0.3
Club Amadeus is Elmhurst Queens Newest & Sexiest Place toCelebrate a Friends Birthday, Bachelor/Bachelorette, Corporate,Graduation, Going Away or Reunion Party. #BluLounge Club Amadeus -Amadeus Nightclub Saturday January 16th Grand Opening at AmadeusClub La Mega Alex Sensation Live at Amadeus Night Club
La liste noire 4.5.3
6 mois d'écriture 1 mois de casting 2 mois de préparation 3 mois detournage 2 ans de recherche et développement 1 an de postproductionLes débuts L’idée de la Liste Noire vient de deux créateurs :Christian Régnier, médecin historien et Gatsby Étévé-Sauré,concepteur-rédacteur. À l’époque, ils croisent plusieurs voiturespleins phares qui les éblouissent, ils pensent alors dresser uneliste des personnes irrespectueuses qu’ils croisent... Leurimagination les emmène ainsi dans l’écriture du scénario de laListe Noire, qu’ils transformèrent ensuite en un projet de websérieinteractive et qui mobilisa plus de 150 participants volontaires etdévoués. Série interactive en ligne La websérie est interactivedans le sens où le spectateur, après avoir regardé l’épisoded’introduction, débloque du nouveau contenu : les épisodes, denombreux bonus tels que les musiques de la série ou encore desmaking-of... Le spectateur décide ensuite de la trame qu’ilsouhaite suivre, regarder le fil conducteur, l’histoire d’unpersonnage secondaire ou encore s’amuser à zigzaguer entre lesdifférentes intrigues des personnages. L’interactivité est d’autantplus importante que l’utilisateur peut participer à l’écriture dela saison 2. Synopsis: Ray Némirowski tient des listes depuis l’âgede 7 ans, il inscrit dans de petits carnets noirs les noms de gensirrespectueux, qui mériteraient de recevoir une leçon. Tout sebouscule lorsqu’un de ses fameux carnets est volé par un mystérieuxmaître chanteur qui menace d’éliminer les personnes dont les noms yfigurent.
A Lifestyle 1.0.4
We would love to invite you to be part of The Dinner Crowd. Back inMarch, we opened Homestead. Since we’re only open during the day,we thought it would be a bit nice to see the place come alive everyso often in the evening. So we’re inviting you to join us for thefirst of our monthly dinners at the house. Three courses, goodmusic and a solid beverage list, all in one of Auckland's best keptsecrets.
Home Decor 1.0.1
“The Boston Home Decor Show offerscountlessideas to enhance your home, whether your style iscontemporary,vintage, or a mix. Peruse furnishings exhibitors andhear fromdesign experts on how to create a vision for your home,whetheryou’re restoring, remodeling, or redecorating.”
Artic Animals 1.0.1
Polar Bear Week provides polar bear enthusiasts with seven fulldays of celebrating their favorite arctic animal. The eventcoincides with the fall polar bear migration to Churchill,Manitoba, where polar bears gather to wait for freeze-up on HudsonBay so they can return to hunting seals. During Polar Bear Week, wefocus on how longer ice-free seasons are straining the limits ofthe bears’ fat reserves, threatening their survival.
Reservoir VOD 4.5.4
Reservoir VOD is giving you the best classics movies in a mobiledevice format! For Smartphones and Tablets. You will find a catalogmade with categories where you discover classic films. Don'thesitate to share your favorite film on your social networkaccount! Powered by Reservoir Apps
Edgar Allan Poe 4.5.3
Edgar Allan Poe was an American author, poet, editor, and literarycritic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Bestknown for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of theearliest American practitioners of the short story, and isgenerally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre.You will find a few short stories in this app, also 46 audio books,a gallery and a fan wall page.
DJ Pulse 4.5.4
DJ Pulse is giving you the best Music of the world. You will beable to listen music from Soundcloud, from YouTube, from Tracksonline. You will listen different kind of music. You will check forcover, events. You will be able to register in the free access.Once registered you will access to the music of your choice.
The Motel 1.0.2
A motel is a hotel designed for motorists and usually has a parkingarea for motor vehicles. Entering dictionaries after World War II,the word motel, coined as a portmanteau contraction of "motorhotel", originates from the Milestone Mo-Tel of San Luis Obispo,California(now called the Motel Inn of San Luis Obispo), which wasbuilt in 1925. The term referred initially to a type of hotelconsisting of a single building of connected rooms whose doorsfaced a parking lot and in some circumstances, a common area or aseries of small cabins with common parking. Motels are oftenindividually owned, though motel chains do exist.
Lovecraft 4.5.4
The Lovecraft Application will allow you to listen short story andnovels in audio book and to read the novels from the master ofhorror.
The Campaign 1.0.2
The "Life Comes at You Fast" spill. Nationwide Insurance hadterrific product awareness, but the company was struggling to boostawareness of its financial-planning products. Marketing agency TMAdvertising decided to blended blunt truth with subtle humor. Thelandmark advertisement for the campaign was installed inNationwide's hometown of Columbus, Ohio, where a banner depicted aspilled paint bucket with paint dripping down the side of thebuilding into the parking lot below. The eye-catching outdoorpromotion not only had a tendency to stop traffic, but alsogarnered awards. Since the campaign, Nationwide's company profitshave grown from $100 to more than $2 billion in 2006.
Reservoir Films 6.23.42
Reservoir Films: L'application iPhone arrive sur le GooglePlayStore ! Regardez les meilleurs court-métrages sur votreTéléphoneAndroid La plateforme officielle de diffusion decourts-métrages(reservoirfilms.com), dédiée aux Cinéastes, nouveauxTalents &Fans de films !(Fiction/Animation/Clips/Bandesannonces/Documentaires…) LaRéférence en Cinéma d'Auteur & Filmde Genre ! Un sitecommunautaire pour les cinéphiles et lesprofessionnels del'audiovisuel: réalisateurs, producteurs,compositeurs, acteurs…Vous êtes un réalisateur ou un producteur ?Proposez vos films envue d'une sélection ! Vous êtes uncompositeur de musique de films ?Ecoutez les nouveaux extraitsmusicaux et soumettez votre musique !Vous êtes un amoureux du 7ème art, et plus encore des films courts? Venez découvrir notrecatalogue de court-métrages! L'applicationReservoir Films est miseà jour régulièrement avec du nouveaucontenu (vidéos, photos,actualités...) Vous pouvez utiliser votrecompte Twitter et/ouvotre compte Facebook pour poster sur le mur del'application,écrire vos commentaires sur les courts métrages,partagez desvidéos avec vos amis et placer des photos et/ou vidéosdans vosfavoris.
The Broken Code 1.0.2
During the battle, Drona had been ordered to captureYudhisthiraalive, so Arjuna always protected him. Once Arjuna hadgone afterthe Kaurava warriors and Yudhisthira with his soldiersunprotected.Drona approached Yudhisthira with his soldieresarranged in thecircular formation known as chakravyuh. Arjun'simage:http://www.kidsgen.com/fables_and_fairytales/indian_mythology_stories/images/abhimanyu2.jpgAbhimanyuson, Abhimanyu, had learnt from his father how to enterthechakravyuh but did not know how to come out of it. Only Arjunaknewhow to break the Chakravyuh. But abhimanyu decided to entertheformation. Jaidhratha, the king of Sindhudesha, had obtained aboonfrom Shiva that he would be able to stop the Pandavas for oneday.He stopped them from entering the chakravyuh to helpAbhimanyu. Sixwarriors including Drona, Duryodhana, and Karnatogether attackedAbhimanyu. He lost all his weapons. Finally, theKaurava warriorsbroke the code of war; they attacked the unnamedAbhimanyu andkilled him.
Patrick Mallet 4.5.3
L'application officielle de Patrick Mallet, l'auteur deAchab,Cornelius Shiel, Casanova, Le long hiver,... Venez découvrirsesderniers albums, des extraits gratuits, ses interviews surYoutubeet ses couvertures réalisées. Vous pouvez consulter enarchive sesalbums et les acheter en lien direct depuisl'application.
The Target 1.0.2
It is time for Rio 2016 to pay homage to Shooting. Accuracyandspeed are tested in the traditional sport of the Olympicprogramme.Pierre de Coubertin, modern Olympic Games founder, wasthe firstFrench pistol champion. That is probably the reason whythreeShooting events made part of the first Olympic Games inAthens1896.
The Radio 1.0.2
Discover online radio from all over the world! New online radiowillbe added. Newsletter, Fan Wall available.